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About - AAI

The African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) was mandated by the 25th African Union Summit held in Johannesburg, South Africa in June 2015, to develop, with the African Group of Negotiators (AGN), a proposal for enhanced support to Africa on adaptation and loss and damage. The African Adaptation Initiative (AAI) was launched in Paris during the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP) that took place in December 2015.

image #1 AAI represents a bold and innovative step by Africa to galvanize the support needed to significantly scale up adaptation and actions to address loss and damage on the continent with an initial focus on enhancing action in the pre-2020 period.

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The AAI aims to enhance action on adaptation, with the aim of addressing the adaptation financing gap, and implementing measures to address loss and damage in Africa. This will be done through partnerships with institutions and organisations undertaking relevant work on the continent to scale up and replicate on-going initiatives and develop proposals for new initiatives. The AAI will advocate for and facilitate access to existing and scaled-up resources for African countries to develop and implement policies, plans, and actions to support their efforts to adapt and address loss and damage.


After successfully delivering results as intended under Phase 1 (2015-2016) and Phase 2 (2017-19), the AAI is now resourcing and implementing post-2020 activities under Phase 3 (2020-2030). Phase 3 begins with achieving transformative results for adaptation in Africa through a 2020-2025 Roadmap. In delivering the AAI 2020-2025 Roadmap, the AAI seeks to contribute results across four high-level outcome areas:
  • USD 1 Billion is invested in African countries by 2025 to ensure adequate climate information services (including early-warning systems and observational infrastructure) to support robust policy and decision-making on adaptation;
  • All African countries have translated their National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and their NDC Adaptation into investment plans, and fundable pipeline of projects by 2025;
  • Doubling of adaptation finance accessed and mobilized by African countries by 2025 for their urgent priorities;
  • Implementation of at least one regional flagship programme in each of the 5 regions in Africa, addressing the critical sectors (and drivers) of the African economy: agriculture, water, disaster reduction, cities and local communities, coastal protection, health and biodiversity and ecosystems.

AAI’s Phased Approach: AAI is implemented through a phased approach to achieve transformative adaptation results for Africa in sync with global processes


(2015 — 2016)

A political mandate from African Heads of State and Government and endorsement from all 54 African countries was given.
The AAI was launched at COP 21 in Paris.
Two Technical Working Group meetings were held.

This phase of the AAI has been successfully achieved.


(2017 — 2020)

The AAI will play a facilitative role, working with partners to scale up and replicate adaptation action and approaches to address loss and damage. This phase will begin with facilitating support to African countries to develop and implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) through a partnership with UNDP.
AAI will develop a yearly report to map on-going initiatives on adaptation and addressing loss and damage and assesses progress towards meeting its objectives.


(2020 — 2030)

The AAI will continue to work with partners to facilitate the scaling up and replicating of adaptation action and approaches to address loss and damage. Additional flagship programmes will be developed and additional resources will be mobilised.

Areas Of Focus

The AAI aims to work with partners to facilitate access to support and implement activities in four key areas.

Pillar 1: Enhancing climate information services

Goal: All African countries have climate information services adequate in quantity and quality to support decision making.

Pillar 2: Strengthening policies and institutions

Goal: Stronger continental, regional, and national institutional and policy frameworks to support decision making on adaptation and loss and damage in Africa.

Pillar 3: Enhancing on the ground action

Goal: Significantly increase the number of projects and programs being implemented to enhance adaptation and address loss and damage in Africa.

Pillar 4: Climate finance and investments

Goal: Increase access to funding and mobilise additional support to enable the implementation of adaptation actions and approaches to address loss and damage.


The AAI is an African-led initiative which is strongly rooted in existing African institutions.

The proposed delivery model is described below.

Political guidance: Political leadership to guide AAI will be provided by CAHOSCC and AMCEN.

Steering Committee: A steering committee comprising of the AMCEN bureau and chair of the AGN.

Technical Support Unit: The day-to-day operationalisation of the AAI will be coordinated by the TSU.




Click to download the AAI Key Information in PDF format.

Click to download the AAI Workshop in PDF format.

Click to download the AAI Newsletter in PDF format.

Click to download in PDF format.

Click to download in PDF format.

Click to download in PDF format.

Click to download in PDF format.

Click to download in PDF format.



Dec 24

The APIA South-South Exchange Forum and launch of The Adaptation Finance Academy

In a groundbreaking initiative to transform Africa’s access to climate finance, the APIA South-South Exchange Forum and the launch of the Adaptation Finance Academy (AFA) brought together key stakeholders in Kévé, Togo, from December 16-20, 2024. This five-day forum marked a significant milestone in strengthening the continent’s capacity to mobilize and manage climate adaptation funding.


Dec 24

The Pan-African Forum on Mobilizing and Structuring Climate Adaptation Finance

In the heart of Zogbepime, Togo, site of the Ecoverse village, a powerful story of resilience unfolds, from December 10th to 12th, 2024. Africa’s climate champions gather for a transformative forum that’s more than just a conference—it’s a lifeline for a continent on the frontlines of climate change. The fourth GCF NDA Forum provides African NDAs with practical insights and strategic guidance to enhance their capacity to mobilize climate finance and strengthen institutional resilience. Key topics include accreditation, readiness, strategic planning, and fostering PanAfrican collaboration. 


Nov 24

AAI presence at the COP 29 in Baku Azerbaijan

The Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI) demonstrated strong leadership and commitment to advancing climate adaptation across the continent during COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Our delegation kicked off the conference by convening the annual steering committee meeting, setting a strategic direction for the year ahead. Throughout the conference, AAI hosted a series of high-impact events that addressed critical aspects of climate resilience in Africa.


Oct 24

The Youth Forum on Adaptation Finance in Africa (YOFAFA) 2024

The Youth Forum on Adaptation Finance in Africa (YOFAFA) 2024 marked a watershed moment in youth climate leadership, as Yaoundé played host to an extraordinary gathering of over 150 young leaders from across the continent from October 29-31.

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Currently, the Africa Adaptation Initiative is seeking funding from African and international resource providers in the public and private sectors. This is to enable AAI to deliver its 2020-2025 strategy, to support African countries to achieve their adaptation and resilience objectives.
Would you like to learn more about how countries can access support from the Africa Adaptation Initiative? Do you need information on how to support AAI to achieve results for adaptation and resilience in Africa?
Please contact: Ambassador Seyni Nafo AAI Coordinator mimikaseyni@gmail.com





    [logoshowcase slides_column="5"]
    Pillar 1: Enhancing climate information services

    Goal: All African countries have climate information services adequate in quantity and quality to support decision making.

    Pillar 2: Strengthening policies and institutions

    Goal: Stronger continental, regional, and national institutional and policy frameworks to support decision making on adaptation and loss and damage in Africa.

    Pillar 3: Enhancing on the ground action

    Goal: Significantly increase the number of projects and programs being implemented to enhance adaptation and address loss and damage in Africa.

    Pillar 4: Climate finance and investments

    Goal: Increase access to funding and mobilise additional support to enable the implementation of adaptation actions and approaches to address loss and damage.

    Pillar 1: Enhancing climate information services

    Goal: All African countries have climate information services adequate in quantity and quality to support decision making.

    Pillar 2: Strengthening policies and institutions

    Goal: Stronger continental, regional, and national institutional and policy frameworks to support decision making on adaptation and loss and damage in Africa.

    Pillar 3: Enhancing on the ground action

    Goal: Significantly increase the number of projects and programs being implemented to enhance adaptation and address loss and damage in Africa.

    Pillar 4: Climate finance and investments

    Goal: Increase access to funding and mobilise additional support to enable the implementation of adaptation actions and approaches to address loss and damage.