As the leading Africa-led adaptation initiative created in response to a mandate by African Heads of State at the 25th African Union Summit in June 2015. The AAI’s overall purpose is to enhance concrete adaptation action and address loss and damage on the Continent in the context of the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the African Union’s (AU’s) 2063 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
It is designed as the initiative for Africa driven by Africa. The devastating impacts of climate change have increased in Africa – including severe droughts, floods, reduced agricultural yields, food and water insecurity. Climate change threatens the economic growth of African states and impedes progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The recent IPCC report has found that the GDP per capita for 1991–2010 in Africa was on average 13.6% lower compared to if climate change had not occurred.

African Heads of States launched the AAI at the COP21 in Paris. This was the result of a mandate provided by the 25th African Union Summit to the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) to enhance support to Africa on adaptation together with the African Group of Negotiators, in order to respond to increasing climate change challenges. The AAI organisational Structure includes the AAI Champion, spearheading the initiative and appointed by the African Union; the Steering Committee that advises and oversees AAI’s work; and the Technical Support Unit, that serves as the Secretariat to the Initiative and is responsible for the day-to-day operationalisation of AAI.


AAI Phases

PHASE 1(2015 — 2016)

AAI receives high-level political backing and is launched at COP 21 in Paris

PHASE 2(2017 — 2019)

AAI establishes its visibility and reputation as a responsive adaptation initiative for Africa

PHASE 3(2020 — 2030)

AAI achieves transformative adaptation results for African countries throughout the Decade of Climate Action

AAI is contributing towards four outcomes by 2025:

USD 1 Billion is invested in African countries by 2025 to ensure adequate climate information services (including early-warning systems and observational infrastructure) to support robust policy and decision-making on adaptation;

All African countries have translated their National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and their NDC Adaptation into investment plans, and fundable pipeline of projects by 2025;

Doubling of adaptation finance accessed and mobilized by African countries by 2025 for their urgent priorities;

Implementation of at least one regional flagship programme in each of the 5 regions in Africa, addressing the critical sectors (and drivers) of the African economy: agriculture, water, disaster reduction, cities and local communities, coastal protection, health and biodiversity and ecosystems.


The AAI is an African-led initiative which is strongly rooted in existing African institutions.
The delivery model is described below:
Political guidance: Political leadership to guide AAI is provided by the Conference of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC) and the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN).
Steering Committee: AAI’s steering committee comprises the AMCEN Bureau and Chair of the African Group of Negotiators (AGN).
Technical Support Unit: The day-to-day operations of the AAI is coordinated by the AAI’s Technical Support Unit (TSU).