Moderated by Kabishi Tshilumba
After a warm welcome address from Sandra Freitas of SSA and a notable opening statement by Ambassador Seyni Nafo, Kamal Djemouai (Expert Climate Consultant) presented key highlights and insightful takes on COP 28 (1), followed by a very honest perspective from Sandra Freitas (SSA) and Zita Wilks (Advisor to the President of the Gabonese Republic - National Climate) on the outcomes of the COP 28 putting an accent on the real need of African countries to Take responsibility in their own future, harbouring the right attitude is key, and guaranty for instance, a strong and efficient participations at the COP events. Alpha Kaloga (Regional Adviser Africa Country Programme Division at Green Climate Fund) followed with a very spirited and passionate presentation on COP28’s outcomes on loss and damage stating.
The forum participants went then into a discussion and a debate lead by Minister Pa Ousman Jarju and Arlette Massala of Angola detailed for us the opportunities of Loss of Damage Fund and Africa’s strategy to prepare for effective access and emphasising in the process the importance of SSA in the process of enhancing capacity building.
The second day of the LOMÉ Panafrican Forum focused on climatic agricultural micro insurance. The day turned out to be very educational and technical, with expert level presentations leading to constructive rich and dynamic exchanges. Facilitated by Mr Riad Balaghi (Director of projects at AAA initiative, Mr Dessanin Ewèdew Thierry Awes and Mr Bibi Pacôme Mougue.
Introducing the micro insurance system in itself and providing context on the specificities of climatic agricultural micro insurance. Identifying opportunities for its development, highlighting the related challenges and through the engagement of the participants identifying key solutions to the growth of climatic agricultural micro insurance in order to generate recommendations to accelerate and strengthen its development. In the process, Mr Riad Balaghi made a notable presentation on the case of Morocco sharing with the participants the progress and current state of Morocco’s insurance system in the Moroccan context. The day ended with SSA providing a thorough and much appreciated update on the AAI Panafricain readiness.
The third and final day of the LOMÉ Panafrican Forum on climatic started with a progress report of AAI’s activities, informed on the plan for 2024 and perspectives towards 2027. Followed by Sandra Freitas who shared an experts perspectives on GCF strategy.
The day ended in the most inspiring way for the African NDA’s present at the forum, with an inspiring visit on the site of the SSA Ecoverse project. Located in the town of KEVE precisely in a village called ZOGBEPIME, Commune AVE 1. Where the first pilot of the 100 ecological houses to be built on site was achieved and provided for a unique experience.