Nov 22

AAI Hosts Kick-off Meeting For The Pan-African Regional Programme And Launches The South-South Peer Capacity Exchange Programme In Morocco

With COP27 in Egypt just a few weeks away, the Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI) hosted a four-day meeting in Rabat, Morocco, from October 3rd to October 6th, attended by over 65 participants, including African country representatives (National Designated Authorities of the Green Climate Fund), The Green Climate Fund (GCF), international development agencies and banks, global initiatives, research centres, and development partners.


Oct 22

The AAI shares the initial findings of a new report that is tailored to the context of Africa

September 2022 – The Africa Climate Week held in Libreville had almost an electrifying atmosphere with over 2,000 participants coming together for the week. With the COP27 less than 60 days away, Africa Climate Week was an important forum for the 54 African nations to convene and unify the continental voice on the urgency of climate implementation. The overarching message of this climate week was, ‘no more commitments, the time for implementation is now.’


Août 22

Call For Applications: Training on Climate And Disaster Risk Financing (CDRF)

Apply to participate in an online Short Course Training on “Climate And Disaster Risk Financing (CDRF)” which will take place between 12th September 2022 and 27th October 2022. There will be four versions of the CDRF short course where each version of the course will be focused on a particular region (Eastern Africa, Anglophone North and West Africa, Francophone North, West and Central Africa, and Southern Africa) and or language group (English, French, and Portuguese). Participants attending the course will be assigned to a training course which reflects the region they are a citizen of and or whether they speak either English, French or Portuguese.


Mai 22

Call for inputs to the State of Adaptation in Africa Report

The Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI), supported by UNDP and the EU is preparing the State of Adaptation in Africa Report (SoAR) that aims to inform the African Heads of States, the African Group of Negotiators (AGN), policymakers and others, helping to accelerate adaptation that supports development priorities in the region as outlined in the African Union’s Agenda 2063.
