Photo Credit:UNDP Sierra Leone

Call for inputs to the State of Adaptation in Africa Report

Climate change is undoing decades of development gains in Africa, amplifying deficits in services, and infrastructure, worsening the poverty gap and impeding the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. The UN Climate Change Conference in Egypt (COP27), being hosted in Africa this fall provides a good opportunity to take stock of the progress of adaptation on the continent and highlight urgent areas for consideration.

The Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI), supported by UNDP and the EU, is therefore preparing the State of Adaptation in Africa Report (SoAR) that aims to inform the African Heads of States, the African Group of Negotiators (AGN), policymakers and others, helping to accelerate adaptation that supports development priorities in the region as outlined in the African Union’s Agenda 2063.

Synthesizing existing knowledge and evidence, and presenting unique viewpoints from Africa, the SoAR builds upon the 2018 Discussion Paper, and focus on adaptation in agriculture, coastal zones as well as climate finance, risk transfer and technology development in Africa. The methodology and the timeline of the report development process have been recently endorsed by AGN representatives. The 2022 edition of the SoAR will be finalized and presented to the African adaptation stakeholders ahead of the COP27 in Egypt.

Call for public inputs

SoAR22 aims to build on experiences of various adaptation stakeholders in Africa. In this regard, the AAI is calling for inputs from institutions working to support adaptation on the continent to submit evidence of effectiveness of adaptation interventions, good practices and lessons learned over the past 5 years. Institutions can provide inputs in form of written responses to the following questions:

  1. What is the evidence of effectiveness of adaptation interventions in agriculture and coastal adaptation in different parts of Africa? What are the lessons learned and good practice recommendations from these interventions?
  2. What aspects of climate finance have been (or should be) integral in enabling effective implementation of adaptation in the agricultural and coastal adaptation in Africa?
  3. What aspects of climate technology development and deployment have been (or should be) integral in enabling agricultural and coastal adaptation in Africa?
  4. What aspects of risk transfer have been (or should be) integral in enabling agricultural and coastal adaptation in Africa?

Please send your inputs to, indicating the name of the organization and the contact person by 15 June 2022.
